Plot refers to the sequence of events inside a story which affect other events through the principle of cause and effect. Plots can vary from simple structures to complex interwoven structures. It is related to the way thevauthor presents it to us, it is everything that the text explicitly presents, it is the narrative as it is read, seen, heard from the first to the last word or image.
A narrative can have the same story but different plots.
Fabula and Syuzhet
The literary theory of Russian Formalism in the early 20th century divided a narrative into two elements: the fabula and the syuzhet. A fabula is the events in the fictional world, whereas a syuzhet is a perspective of those events. Formalist followers eventually translated the fabula/syuzhet to the concept of story/plot. This definition is usually used in narratology, in parallel with Forster's definition. The fabula (story) is what happened in chronological order. In contrast, the syuzhet (plot) means a unique sequence of discourse that was sorted out by the (implied) author. That is, the syuzhet can consist of picking up the fabula events in non-chronological order.